Daily Time Reporting

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Daily Time Reporting requires:

  • That you record your work time at the end of each day,
  • Time entries after 10 am the following day are considered a violation of policy.
  • Time entries recorded before the end of your work day, are limited to accommodate week end processing and holiday schedules.

Daily Recording

All employees should note that our time sheets are a critical control document that affect not only each employee’s pay calculations but also dictate how costs are accumulated and billed to our customers. Employees shall record their work hours daily, at the end of each day, while our work efforts are still fresh in our minds. Time recorded after 10am the following morning would violate the intent of our policy.

Recording Time in Advance

Routine time recorded in advance of when it is worked may not be an accurate representation of the work effort, and is not permitted in the normal course of business. Recording time in advance (pre-recording time) is allowed and authorized in certain circumstances such as during week end time submittal and occasional holiday processing necessities. Employees should not record time in advance other than to accommodate these processing requirements. In the event that the time effort actually expended and the time reported differ, the employee is obligated to submit a time sheet adjustment.


This is the same for both electronic and paper timesheet reporters